House of Peace

House of Peace-park 1920

72″h x 32″w x 16″d
wood, fiberglass, paint, artillery shell, tongs
Coeur d’Alene, Idaho – 2015-2016

I knew I wanted to create a series of arching structures and set about building this first one out of wood and covering it with stucco finish, but I didn’t as yet have a firm idea of what was going inside. I experimented with dozens of objects as usual.
In college I’d found a large spent artillery shell at an antique store and made a very cool candle out of it by filling it with wax and through its  hundreds of holes, light cast wonderful shimmering spots all about. I was emptying the wax when I accidentally tapped the shell and the most beautiful, peaceful sound came ringing out. I knew right away this was its perfect adaptation. I selected a few other objects to allow it to hang properly and installed a ringer in the shell. Now its once violent purpose is nullified and it rings out an ironic song of peace that will make you smile!
It currently sings out its new theme of peace on the streets of beautiful Coeur d’Alene, Idaho for 2014-2015.